A Prosperous Business Changes the Game (Our Manifesto!)

Prosperity’s Kitchen was born out of a need to shift the current paradigm of online biz learning. Specifically — all those fabulous info products out there touting roadmaps and recipes to overnight success.

Here’s what we stand for:

  1. Transparency and Authenticity. Real statistics. Real data. Shared openly and honestly so we can all learn what works and what doesn’t. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. And it’s also nonfiction.
  2. Real and Measurable Outcomes. This means setting some specific goals so we’ll all know when we succeed. This isn’t about subjective “feel good” stuff. It’s about making real progress and understanding objectively what that means to you.
  3. Zero Hype. This particular program could veer off in the wrong direction if we weren’t so attuned to creating something grounded and uplifting. Yes, good stories use drama to hook you in and keep you engaged. But there’s enough of that embedded in the entrepreneurial experience without having to resort to mainstream melodrama.
  4. Accessibility. Learning should be affordable for everyone. Not just for those who have $2,500 ready to plunk down on a mentoring program or an online course. The web has certainly flattened the world of education — but it’s also added so much noise and pie-in-the-sky promises that it can be hard to know who to trust.
  5. Thinking really, really BIG. What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail? That’s a question that most of us never answer — even private. Owning a small biz doesn’t mean your dreams are small. Let’s help each other dream up audacious visions and world-changing ideas — and then figure out how to implement!
  6. Collaboration. Yes, running a business entails a bit of healthy competing. But collaboration trumps competition every time — even when we’re playing a game like Prosperity’s Kitchen. To that end, team work, community and collaboration are where we start from.
  7. Relationships! Let’s not forget that business isn’t THE most important thing. It’s our relationships that make this world go ’round. And it’s our relationships that help us build successful businesses.
  8. Creativity and Curiosity. Learning and asking questions is a must when it comes to being a happy entrepreneur. And the creative process has to be honored as well if we’re going to find new innovations and develop better products and services.
  9. Fun. If you’re not having fun while you’re working, then what’s the point? You could go not have fun at a regular job, right?
  10. Commitment and Follow through. Honoring our promises — to ourselves and to others — by following through and delivering the goods is crucial. If we don’t ship, all that work just doesn’t really mean anything to anyone.
  11. Prosperity on all levels. Money is great (and we’re definitely going to make some), but we also know that feeling prosperous and experiencing abundance goes beyond all the almighty dollar into realms that we all share: health, relationships and fulfillment (to name just a few).

If you’re on board with this set of foundational beliefs, add your name to the growing list in the comments below.

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  • On board 🙂 Megan Everett

  • Jamie Yahne

    I can’t wait to learn new skills and apply them to my business. I’m on board!

  • I’m a big fan of #5 and #10. Enough wishy-washy-ness and playing small!

  • Tammy Vitale

    I love #5. A friend asks it this way: What would you do today if you knew the month’s bills were paid? (brings it down to such a local, personal level!). I’ve often thought of it as “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” My best answers to questions like this always come in the form of a page in my vision journal. Then I’m beyond all the affirmation/you must be in present tense stuff that stops my heart and puts me in my head. And #6 is huge for me. Everything I believe in is based in collaborative, cooperative work. That’s why I’m so delighted to be here participating in PK’s adventure!

  • Can I say, “hell to the yes?” I am a connector and really see the best in most people. My mind automatically goes to connecting people. Lucky, that makes collaboration easy. I also like thinking really big.

  • When I was back in the corporate world, where it is de rigueur to have a carefully worded mission statement and list of corporate values, my single favorite “value” was always transparency. As part of management, I really tried to live that word with my team. One of the main reasons I became a solopreneur was because of the increasing pressure to control information and spin anything that was shared beyond some small inner circle. So I am delighted to see this as the very first word, and I can totally commit to the entire manifesto.

  • Every single point resonates with me on some level; a better outline of why most of us have started our own businesses has probably never been written. 🙂

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  • This must be one of the few marketing manifestos that doesn’t send me screaming from the room. 🙂 I especially like zero hype and fun.

  • I love collaboration and relationships, perhaps a little too much sometimes. Curiosity is my middle name so I’m excited to see what’s in store for us while we play-at-home!

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  • I am on board 🙂 ethics, transparency, relationships and commitment, are very important to me. Not into hype at all 🙂 Looking forward to seeing how it develops.

  • Linda

    Great manifesto!

  • I’m so with it! These foundational beliefs rock! Easy to ‘adopt’ because they align wholeheartedly with mine. Let’s go PK!

  • Yes to all of the above 🙂 Authenticity, trust, collaboration, accessibility; and no hype – it all sounds just right and I’m really looking forward to participating and seeing how things develop.

  • Pinned this as part of my visual manifesto on pinterest. Love this!

  • So excited to be engaged, in group, on a mission and magnificent manifesto such as this! Let the games (and the work) begin! 🙂

  • Yes yes yes! This is beautiful and I’m on board 🙂

  • Love thinking big and believe in prosperity on all levels! Yes, yes, yes!

  • Love the playful format of this manifesto. Powerful enough to reflect commitments and loose enough to reflect all the joy and fun that comes out of running and growing a business. Panomatics subscribes to this!

  • Love it!

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  • Roz Bishop

    Thank you for sharing your manifesto. I love it.

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